Anketa - Survey

Sodelavci Biotehniške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani želimo razstavo o ohranjanju kmetijskih zemljišč Zemlji na kožo napisano nadgraditi z raziskavo o asociacijah in mislih, ki se ljudem porajajo ob pogledu na vsebinsko močne podobe z, včasih zakrito, naravoslovno vsebino. 

Prosimo vas, da izpolnite kratek vprašalnik in da k posameznim slikam z razstave, dopišite asociacije in misli, ki se vam porodijo. 

Vljudno vas vabimo na ogled slik in se vam najlepše zahvaljujemo za vaše sodelovanje,
Za programski odbor razstave:
prof. dr. Marina Pintar l. r.


In our concern to preserve Slovenian agricultural land we have set up the open air exhibition entitled "Written on the skin of the Earth".

We would like to enrich the exhibition with associations and thoughts that come to your mind when viewing these powerful photographs with sometimes hidden environmental message. We are inviting you to participate by filling in the questionnaire below. Please add your associations and thoughts to either each either just some of the photographs that you feel are worthwhile commenting on.

LINK: POLL (click)

Your contributions will stay anonymous. The results will be published in a short report made available at the web-page.

We kindly invite you to view the exhibition and participate to the event.
Yours sincerely,
Marina Pintar, Ph.D.